Hi! Today I bring you something different. For a long time I thought it would be great to have a book about magic tricks with fake explanations that spectators could read through.
This is a first iteration of that concept. It is a pdf that talks about a new kind of magic: Automatic Synchronicity Magic, and shows a demonstration. So you can introduce the fact that you received an excerpt from about this new type of magic, and you want to try it. You then quickly show them the pdf, and try the synchronization exercise and the trick.
I’ll leave the text from the pdf here, and at the end you will find how to do the trick. You will also find the link to the pdf.
Brief History of Automatic Synchronicity Magic:
Hello fellow magician! I am sending you this excerpt from my upcoming book “Automatic Synchronicity Magic Tricks” because I would like to receive some feedback. If you didn’t know before Automatic Synchronicity Magic (from now on, ASM) is one of the most promising developments in magic. Do I say it just because I am the creator of it? Maybe. But I truly believe it is.
Even though I believe it can offer some of the more interesting applications, the research in the area has not taken off yet. Right now the most popular field is sleight of hand magic, which might be what you are used to it now. ASM might be quite a stretch if this is the only type of magic you are familiar with. Why? Because sleight of hand relies on a physical/mechanical method, your hands have to move in a hidden way to perform a secret action. ASM instead, relies on a metaphysical plane, which allows for no trickery to be involved.
It is more similar to the purest type of mentalism. As some of you may know, mentalism is now filled with wannabes who use fake methods and sleight of hand to fake psychic abilities. Only a few of them are the real deal, people who are able to hypnotize others, predict their actions and influence their choices. Derren Brown would be the most famous of them (even though even he has admitted to having used other types of tricks mixed in). Another very interesting field, and not studied, is the one that involves surpassing the limits of the human mind. David Blaine is the main exponent, for example with “needle through arm”, in which he pierces his arm with an icepick and no blood comes out. These types of super-humans have not been studied enough by science, which mostly focuses on the average people…